;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;[mIRC PuzzLe / Yapboz ] by jeun;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; menu * { sclick:{ if ($active == @PuZzLe) { if ($mouse.x isnum %puzz_x_click && $mouse.y isnum %puzz_y_click) { drawpic -s @PuZzLe 1 1 $calc($window(@PuZzLe).bw / 2) $calc($window(@PuZzLe).bh -55) $qt($msfile($msfile(.,Picture Upload,Load))) set %puzz_pixel_x $calc($window(@PuZzLe).bw / 2) set %puzz_pixel_y $calc($window(@PuZzLe).bh -55) puzzle_data_clear } if ($mouse.x isnum %puzz_xx_click && $mouse.y isnum %puzz_yy_click) { if (%puzz_game_started) { return } ;clears all writing data in text files for tile location on puzzle puzzle_data_clear var %puz_yat = $puzzle_the_pic_line_yatay($int(%puzz_pixel_y),$int(%puzz_pixel_x)) var %puz_dik = $puzzle_the_pic_line_dikey($int(%puzz_pixel_x),$int(%puzz_pixel_y)) var %k_ = 1, %l_ = 0, %m_ = 1, %n_ = 0 var %puz_top_kare_ = $calc(%puzz_diff * %puzz_diff) while (%k_ <= %puz_top_kare_) { write puzzle.txt %l_ %n_ %puz_dik %puz_yat write puzzle2.txt $calc(($window(@PuZzLe).bw / 2) + %l_) %n_ if (%puzz_diff // %m_) { var %l_ = 0 | inc %n_ %puz_yat | goto x } inc %l_ %puz_dik :x inc %m_ inc %k_ } rand_load_from_txt_file drawrect -f @PuZzLe 0 1 1 1 $calc($window(@PuZzLe).bw / 2) $calc($window(@PuZzLe).bh -55) noop $puzzle_the_pic_line_yatay($int(%puzz_pixel_y),$int(%puzz_pixel_x)) noop $puzzle_the_pic_line_dikey($int(%puzz_pixel_x),$int(%puzz_pixel_y)) } ;SCLICK on the SECOND puzzle if ($mouse.x isnum $+($calc($window(@PuZzLe).bw / 2),-,$window(@PuZzLe).bw) && $mouse.y isnum $+(1,-,$calc($window(@PuZzLe).bh - 70))) { if ($puzzle_second_kontrol($mouse.x,$mouse.y) == OK) { return } var %cccc_ = %puzz_second_tile_location $select_tile_from_location_puzzle($mouse.x,$mouse.y,2) if (%cccc_ != %puzz_second_tile_location) { set %puzz_second_picture_sclicked OK } ;;;;SOMETIMES WHY?????? if (%cccc_ == %puzz_second_tile_location) { unset %puzz_second_tile_location } } ;SCLICK on the FIRST puzzle if ($mouse.x isnum $+(1,-,$calc($window(@PuZzLe).bw / 2)) && $mouse.y isnum $+(1,-,$calc($window(@PuZzLe).bh - 70))) { if (%puzz_first_picture_sclicked && %puzz_yy_click) { ;1. resimde degisiklik yapinca var %mmm_ = %puzz_first_tile_location $select_tile_from_location_puzzle($mouse.x,$mouse.y,1) ;kendi kendine kare tasimasini engeller if (%mmm_ == %puzz_first_tile_location) { unset %puzz_first_picture_sclicked unset %puzz_second_picture_sclicked goto fin } if !$read(puzzle_first.txt,w,%puzz_first_tile_location) { drawcopy @PuZzLe $gettok(%mmm_,1-4,32) @PuZzLe $gettok(%puzz_first_tile_location,1-2,32) write $+(-dw,$qt($+($gettok(%mmm_,1-4,32),*))) puzzle_first.txt write $+(-w,$qt(%puzz_first_tile_location)) puzzle_first.txt %puzz_first_tile_location drawrect -f @PuZzLe 0 1 $gettok(%mmm_,1-4,32) drawrect -c @PuZzLe 1 1 $gettok(%mmm_,1-4,32) unset %puzz_first_picture_sclicked unset %puzz_second_picture_sclicked goto fin } } if (%puzz_second_picture_sclicked && %puzz_yy_click && !%puzz_first_picture_sclicked) { ;COPIES TILE TO FIRST PUZZLE FROM SECOND PUZZLE By Drawcopy $select_tile_from_location_puzzle($mouse.x,$mouse.y,1) if !$read(puzzle_first.txt,w,%puzz_first_tile_location) { drawcopy @PuZzLe $gettok(%puzz_second_tile_location,5-6,32) $gettok(%puzz_second_tile_location,3-4,32) @PuZzLe $gettok(%puzz_first_tile_location,1-2,32) write $+(-w,$qt(%puzz_first_tile_location)) puzzle_first.txt %puzz_first_tile_location drawrect -f @PuZzLe 0 1 $gettok(%puzz_second_tile_location,5-6,32) $gettok(%puzz_second_tile_location,3-4,32) drawrect -d @PuZzLe 1 1 $gettok(%puzz_second_tile_location,5-6,32) $gettok(%puzz_second_tile_location,3-4,32) write puzzle2.txt $gettok(%puzz_second_tile_location,5-6,32) if (!%puzz_game_started) { set %puzz_game_started OK } unset %puzz_second_picture_sclicked goto fin } } $select_tile_from_location_puzzle($mouse.x,$mouse.y,1) if $read(puzzle_first.txt,w,%puzz_first_tile_location) { set %puzz_first_picture_sclicked OK } } :fin } } Puzzle:{ var %p = @PuZzLe if ($window(%p)) { window -c %p } window -p %p set %puzz_diff 5 dialog -m puzzle puzzle var %txt_ = Click Here For Load Picture var %gen_ = $calc($width(%txt_,verdana,20) / 2 ) drawtext -b @PuZzLe $color(info) verdana $calc(($window(%p).bw /4) - $int(%gen_)) $calc($window(%p).bh - 50) %txt_ set %puzz_x_click $calc(($window(%p).bw / 4) - $int(%gen_)) $+ - $+ $calc(($window(%p).bw / 4) + $int(%gen_)) set %puzz_y_click $calc(($window(%p).bh - 50) - 5) $+ - $+ $calc(($window(%p).bh - 50) + 20) ;;; var %txt_ = Click Here For To Start Puzzle var %gen_ = $calc($width(%txt_,verdana,20) / 2 ) drawtext -b @PuZzLe $color(info) verdana $calc(($window(%p).bw /2) + $int(%gen_)) $calc($window(%p).bh - 50) %txt_ set %puzz_xx_click $calc(($window(%p).bw / 2) + $int(%gen_)) $+ - $+ $calc(($window(%p).bw) - $int(%gen_)) set %puzz_yy_click $calc(($window(%p).bh - 50) - 5) $+ - $+ $calc(($window(%p).bh - 50) + 20) } } ;HORIZONTAL LINES TO MAKE TILE alias -l puzzle_the_pic_line_yatay { var %m_ = 0 var %n_ = $int($calc($1 / %puzz_diff)) set %puzzle_yatay %n_ while (%m_ <= $1) { drawline -i @PuZzLe 1 1 1 %m_ $2 %m_ inc %m_ %n_ } return $int($calc($1 / %puzz_diff)) } ;VERTICAL LINES TO MAKE TILE alias -l puzzle_the_pic_line_dikey { var %m_ = 0 var %n_ = $int($calc($1 / %puzz_diff)) set %puzzle_dikey %n_ while (%m_ <= $1) { drawline -i @PuZzLe 1 1 %m_ 1 %m_ $2 inc %m_ %n_ } return $int($calc($1 / %puzz_diff)) } ;RANDOM PICTURE TILES alias -l rand_load_from_txt_file { var %j_ = 1 while (%j_ <= $calc(%puzz_diff * %puzz_diff)) { var %t_ = $read(puzzle.txt) write $+(-dl,$readn) puzzle.txt var %n_ = $read(puzzle2.txt) write puzzle_r.txt %t_ %n_ write $+(-dl,$readn) puzzle2.txt inc %j_ } var %j_ = 1 while (%j_ <= $calc(%puzz_diff * %puzz_diff)) { drawcopy @PuZzLe $gettok($read(puzzle_r.txt,%j_),1-4,32) @PuZzLe $gettok($read(puzzle_r.txt,%j_),5-,32) inc %j_ } } alias -l select_tile_from_location_puzzle { var %x_ = 1, %c_ = $lines(puzzle_r.txt), %puz_x = $1, %puz_y = $2, %puzz_no = $3 while (%x_ <= %c_) { tokenize 32 $read(puzzle_r.txt,%x_) if (%puzz_no == 2) { if (%puz_x isnum $+($5,-,$calc($5 + %puzzle_dikey)) && %puz_y isnum $+($6,-,$calc($6 + %puzzle_yatay))) { set %puzz_second_tile_location $$1- | goto ok } } if (%puzz_no == 1) { if (%puz_x isnum $+($1,-,$calc($1 + %puzzle_dikey)) && %puz_y isnum $+($2,-,$calc($2 + %puzzle_yatay))) { set %puzz_first_tile_location $$1- | goto ok } } inc %x_ } :ok } alias -l puzzle_second_kontrol { var %x_ = 1, %c_ = $lines(puzzle2.txt), %puz_x = $1, %puz_y = $2 while (%x_ <= %c_) { tokenize 32 $read(puzzle2.txt,%x_) if (%puz_x isnum $+($1,-,$calc($1 + %puzzle_dikey)) && %puz_y isnum $+($2,-,$calc($2 + %puzzle_yatay))) { return OK | break } inc %x_ } } alias puzzle_data_clear { write -c puzzle.txt write -c puzzle2.txt write -c puzzle_r.txt write -c puzzle_first.txt } on 1:CLOSE:@PuZzLe:{ unset %puzz* puzzle_data_clear } dialog puzzle { title "Choice Difficulty for Puzzle" size -1 -1 103 55 option dbu button "Easy", 1, 26 6 54 12 button "Medium", 2, 26 21 54 12 button "Hard", 3, 26 36 54 12 } on 1:dialog:puzzle:sclick:*: { if ($did == 1) { set %puzz_diff 5 } if ($did == 2) { set %puzz_diff 7 } if ($did == 3) { set %puzz_diff 9 } dialog -x puzzle }
Etiketler: mirc, Mirc Addon, mirc addons, Mirc Hazır Kod, mirc hazır kodlar, Mirc İndir, mirc puzzle game, mirc puzzle oyunu, mirc yapboz oyunu
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